AMC The Walking Dead Escape Teaser

Zombies have taken over The Intrepid New York City and we’ve got the exclusive!
Go behind the scenes, chat with the executive producer, and even learn the secrets of zombie makeup with ABC Coast to Coast! Check back for the FULL terrifying experience of AMC The Walking Dead Escape 2013!

Kick up your heels with Kinky Boot’s Andy Kelso

Here he is, folks! Knocking it out of the park playing the lead role of “Charlie Price” in the Tony Award Winning Broadway play, Kinky Boots, Andy Kelso lets us in on his unlikely path to the spotlight, (proving that a passion will lead to success, no matter the path), the most shocking answer to our “something surprising” question, and tells you in his own words why you need to get your butt to Kinky Boots today, specifically to performances this evening, tomorrow, and Sunday’s matinee to see this cutie of Broadway rock the role of Charlie! Check out our short but sweet chat and as he says in his song, “Look what Charlie Boy has done!”

Andy Kelso Teaser

Playing the lead role of “Charlie Price” in Kinky Boots this week, check back to check out our chat with this cutie of the Great White Way!

Brett Hoebel, “Fitness From Within” Teaser

Brett Hoebel is the fitness trainer of the stars, trainer on “The Biggest Loser”, and he is letting you in on the softer side of those rock hard abs! So check back to check out the wonderful Brett Hoebel!

Make sure to check out for fitness tips, pics, and some motivation from El Capitan himself!

Frank Meo, Author, “Mind Prints

Frank Meo gives you an inside look into his imagination in creating the book, “Mind Prints”, as well as discusses some of the events for which no image exists, but yet you can see in your mind’s eye.